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United around the globe to foster international trade and the advancement of women in business.

Harnessing Data to Advance Women and the Canadian Economy - A Panel Discussion

  • Monday, April 15, 2019
  • 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Ryerson University - Ted Rogers School of Management TRSM Commons (Room #TRS 1-148 & 1-150 ), 7th Floor 55 Dundas Street West Toronto, ON M5G 2C3

It's time to cultivate inclusive innovation. Good data about women's entrepreneurship helps us understand the base conditions, assets, and the size of the opportunities that Canadian women are navigating.

Currently, however, there's a data deficit when it comes to women's entrepreneurship and economic potential.

The insights that new, shared data can provide can propel us forward as a community.

Join SheEO Founder Vicki Saunders, SheEO Venture and Magnusmode Founder Nadia Hamilton, Dr. Wendy Cukier, professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, founder and academic director of Ryerson’s Diversity Institute, home to the newly formed Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH), and special guest the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business and Export Promotion, for a morning discussion about Canada's female data deficit and the opportunity to drive inclusive innovation with new research, insights, interventions and ecosystems.

PLUS: There will be a special announcement from the Honourable Mary Ng.


8:30 am - Registration and Networking - Light Refreshments will be served
9:00 am - Welcome
9:15 am - Special Announcement from the Honourable Minister Mary Ng
9:25 am - Panel Discussion: Harnessing Data to Advance Women in the Economy
10:00 to 11am - Networking

organization of women in international trade-toronto

P.O. Box 715
31 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2J8

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