Thursday, August 29, at 12:00 PM Eastern
Join our Conference Committee for an informational webinar to learn more about the 19th Annual OWIT International Conference titled "Year of the Woman" which will take place in Orlando and Tampa Bay, Florida from October 23-25, 2019.
This webinar is free to all OWIT members (chapter and virtual members).
The webinar will cover:
An overview of all conference activities
Orlando Business Day
Conference overview
In Praise of OWIT Women of the Year: Retrospectives and Perspectives (Presented by OWIT Toronto)
Business Beyond Borders: Demystifying Trade with Europe and Latin America (Presented by OWIT South Florida)
Reading the Tea Leaves: Trade in 2020 (Presented by WIIT DC)
Born Leaders: Genes, Luck or Hard Work? (Presented by OWIT Tampa Bay)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Presented by OWIT Tampa Bay)
The African Trade Revolution (Presented by OWIT Nairobi)
Port Tour
Awards Dinner
Sponsorship Opportunities
Open OWIT International Board Meeting
FREE for OWIT Members
Register NOW!