Date: November 8 to November 19, 2021
Venue: Virtual platform Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Target Audience: SMEs led by self-identifying women and/or other underrepresented groups (women, Indigenous People, minorities, people with disabilities and LGBTQ2+) interested in entering the Mexican market.
Sector: Consumer products, Education, Information and communications technologies, Life sciences, Professional services
Event description
The Embassy of Canada in Mexico is hosting “Inclusive Trade: Exploring Supplier Diversity in Mexico”, a two-day virtual event (November 8-9) that aims at exposing participants to the concept of supplier diversity as well as business opportunities in Mexico. This activity will be followed by a by an online B2B matching program between November 9-19, 2021. The content program is targeted to Canadian and Mexican small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and will offer networking opportunities between these groups. The governments of Canada and Mexico will be represented throughout this event.
The program will include the following:
Day 1: Panel discussion on inclusion and diversity in international trade in the North American context Supplier Diversity: Concept and existing programs Market trends and opportunities, best practices, successful models.
Day 2: B2B matching program for Canadian SMEs* with potential supplier diversity buyers Activity to foster a discussion of experiences in supplier diversity between Canadian and Mexican business representatives
*The B2B matching program will be offered exclusively to Canadian exporters with verified potential and clear business proposition for entering the Mexican market. The business mission (November 9-19) portion will be multi-sectoral. However, some criteria will apply to ensure valuable matches can be established by the service provider. A pre-selection process will be established.
Recruitment period: August 1 – September 30, 2021.
Register now:
Contact Stéphanie Mercure, stephanie.mercure@international.gc.ca, for more information about this event
Why your organization should participate:
- Develop a first-hand understanding of the opportunities and challenges of doing business in foreign markets
- Gain insights and market intelligence
- Meet key commercial entities, industry players, and potential buyers, investors and/or partners
- Participate in networking events
- Participate in pre-organized business to business meetings
- Receive mentoring and coaching
- Receive on-the-ground assistance from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
Trade Commissioner(s) involvement:
Activities organized by the Trade Commissioner Service
- Business-to-business meetings
- Networking event
- Seminar
Stéphanie Mercure, stephanie.mercure@international.gc.ca, Trade Commissioner specialized in the Life Sciences and financial sectors for the Mexican market, will be present during this event to accompany participating companies. Services from the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service are offered free of charge to Canadian companies and organizations.
The Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian companies navigate the complexities of international markets. With 1,000 Trade Commissioners in offices across Canada and on the ground in more than 160 cities worldwide, the TCS offers market intelligence and an unmatched network of contacts to help Canadian companies succeed abroad.